LEGO MOC of the Week – 253rd Elite Legion

Hey guys, welcome to the MOC of the Week Section. Future MOC selections will be taken from our BrickUltra Flickr group or on Instagram by using the hashtag #BrickUltra. This week we’ll be featuring the “253rd Elite Legion” created by Flickr user Ordo.
Here’s the MOC Description:
Okay, Class, here’s the scenario. You have just defeated a dozen of battle droids. The only one still standing is a perfectly functional B2-Class Superbattledroid. Usually, it would not stand a chance against you, but your DC is jammed. Reinforcements are coming, but they are still six clicks away. What do you do?“ Almost all hands shot up. „Yes, class?“ They answered in unison. „Standard procedure is to fall back, take cover, wait for reinforcements and perform standard weapon maintenance procedure.“ „Congratulations, class, you are all dead and reinforcements are still two clicks away.“ „What?“ „The average time for target elimination of a B2 class droid is two seconds. You are dead, before you have even turned around to run. All of you, except…. yes, CT 2964/6181, what would you do?“ I asked the only boy who hadn’t raised his hand earlier. „Sir. The best option would be to attack. The only area outside of wrist blaster range is the droid’s own body. Thus, it would be required to leap forward and hold onto the droid. Then, blunt trauma could be inflicted on the droid’s optical sensors, using the disabled DC as a baton. This would render the droid’s targeting systems useless and buy enough time for reinforcements to arrive.“ „Very good. What’s your name?“ „Sir, you just called him by his num…“ „Not you, 04. Him. What’s your name?“ The boy hesitated just a heart beat, but understood. „Bonker, Sir.“ The kid even had humor or he had just read the rest of the class’ minds. „Class, Bonker here has just demonstrated the single most important characteristic of an ARC trooper: Creative thinking. By thinking outside of standard procedure, he has overcome a situation, most of you would have succumbed to.“ The rest of the class was utterly startled by these words and Bonker couldn’t even grasp what had just happened. „He has what it takes to become one of the elite. You all still have much to learn. That’s it. Class dismissed. Bonker, with me.“
What do you guys think about the MOC, leave a comment below!