LEGO Idea’s of the Week: Zen Bonsai

In this section we help promote LEGO Idea projects to help them reach the 10,000 likes needed for their idea to get created! This week we feature the idea called Zen Bonsai created by BrettWaller. Here’s what the creator had to say about the idea:
LEGO Idea’s Project Description
To view the world through Wasi-Sabi, is to see the beauty in imperfection, impermanence and asymmetry.
This LEGO Bonsai achieves Zen through the balance of imbalance of nature and calmness with a small spring underneath it’s long lush branches.
An old village fisherman sits at its banks, a splash of water as he tries to net a fish counters the quiet peacefulness of the surrounding scene.
The whole scene sits in an ornate blue and gold pot for display on any desk or table.
Be sure to support this idea by clicking on the following link: CLICK HERE
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