LEGO Idea’s of the Week: Among Us: The Skeld

In this section we help promote LEGO Idea projects to help them reach the 10,000 likes needed for their idea to get created! This week we feature the idea called Among Us: The Skeld created by MinifigInDisguise. Here’s what the creator had to say about the idea:
Among Us is a murder mystery game about discovering an imposter among the crew. Innocent crew members can work together to complete tasks and figure out who is suspicious.
I began creating this build awhile ago and the game has since become widely popular as it deserves to be. The challenge of creating a 2D game into a 3D build was a new experience for me. However, the game converts exceptionally well into LEGO bricks. The build is based on the in-game map ‘The Skeld’ and features five well-known rooms from the map.
The build is split up into five main sections; the cafeteria, electrical and storage room, engine room, reactor and lobby area. It was essential to maintain the separated rooms as it allows the players to hide and shield their actions from being visible.
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